Spring has sprung, and SCRC’s 37th year as the leading resource for family caregivers in San Diego and Imperial Counties is well underway! Donations from generous individuals like you directly support SCRC’s core mission of helping families master the challenges of caring for adults with chronic and disabling conditions. That’s why we’d like to show our gratitude: when you donate any amount to SCRC through May 31st, you’ll receive a FREE handmade bookmark along with your thank-you letter!

Tony and Kathie, friends to SCRC who are familiar with the challenges facing caregivers, were gracious enough to share their beautiful work with us. Each bookmark created by the pair features pressed, California-native flowers, as well as a hand-colored stamp from Kathie. These unique gifts truly symbolize the persevering love shared between all caregivers and their care receivers.

Mother's Day is just around the corner; this month, take the special opportunity to honor the female caregiver in your life with a donation in her name or memory. Your generous gift will directly fund SCRC’s free and low-cost support services for family caregivers in need, including short- and long-term counseling, support groups, family consultation and case management services, evidence-based training, and more. Our mission is to ease the stress of constant care for caregivers like the ones you know: those who dedicate countless hours and endless love to family members who are no longer able to look after themselves.

Make your gift today, add www.caregivercenter.org/MayGift to your "Favorites", share this webpage with your friends and family, and look forward to receiving your free bookmark!

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